Pick Strawberries Day
Pick Strawberries Day is observed next on Tuesday, May 20th, 2025 (121 days from today).
Pick Strawberries Day is observed annually on May 20th to encourage us to pick some strawberries.
If there's ever been a symbol for the summer that crosses the sun, it's got to be the strawberry. In strawberries we can find all the condensed goodness of hot summer days, cool summer nights and adventures that will never fade from our memory. The best strawberries are the ones that are picked fresh while still warm from the heat of the summer sun, and Pick Strawberries Day encourages us to get out there and pick our own strawberries!
History of Pick Strawberries Day
Although there is no record of when the first Pick Strawberries Day was celebrated, the history of the activity and the fruit is back. In ancient times, wild berries were used mainly for medicinal and healing purposes. There are mentions of the fruit in Roman records dating back to the first century AD. In other centuries, the wonders of fruit were also proclaimed in literary texts, and a prominent example includes the words of William Butler, a 16th-century writer/poet, who said, "There's no doubt God could have made a better berry, but there's no doubt God never did". The wonderful properties of strawberries have also led other historical figures to use them. Tallien, a famous figure in the French Revolution, bathed in tubs filled with strawberries to keep her skin bright and radiant. Another example is Fontenelle, a centenarian writer from the 18th century, who attributed his long and healthy life to eating strawberries.
As time went on, strawberries began to be grown for mass consumption, first taking place in the 13th century. Initially, strawberries were found only in North and South America. However, globalization has led to the fruit traveling long distances to other continents. After several failed attempts to grow the plant in France, French gardeners finally succeeded in their efforts in the 1750s. Strawberries dating back to the 1750s were among the most popular currently produced the most. Strawberries are not only enjoyed by humans for their wonderful taste and nutrients, but are also used by bees for nectar and pollination.
Strawberry picking is usually from late April through the summer, depending on which part of the US you live in. When harvesting strawberries, you want to look for ones that are bright red, firm, and plump.
- Strawberries belong to the rose family.
- They are the only fruit having seeds outside.
- Strawberries provide a rich source of vitamin C.
- You can grow your own strawberries. With several different varieties, choose the one that works best for you. One variety is the Alpine Strawberry.
- Like most berries, they're low in fat, low in calories, and a good source of fiber, folic acid, and potassium.
- Strawberries help fight bad cholesterol and can reduce inflammation.
- The first strawberries were appeared since the late 18th century in France. Before the 18th century, wild berries were harvested and used commonly as a source of fruit.
Strawberries are best fresh, but they can also make delicious desserts. We're thinking about strawberry cookies or adding them to homemade yogurt and fresh jams.
Some interesting truths about Strawberries
- Americans eat a lot
Every year, Americans consume an average of three and a half pounds of strawberries!
- Fruit roses
Strawberries are members of the rose family.
- Seeds are considered fruits
The average strawberry has about 200 seeds, and botanists treat each seed as its own fruit.
- They have all types of colors
You will not only get red strawberries, but also blue, white, yellow, black and purple strawberries!
- They provide a lot of vitamin C
Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges.
Some reasons for Pick Strawberries Day being loved
- It's a celebration of quality time
Going strawberry picking allows you to have some much-needed time with your loved ones and nature. It also allows you to take a breather from our busy lives. And at the end of the day, you can gobble up those delicious and beautiful strawberries that you spent time picking.
- It's a memory of summer
From cold winters to cool springs, and then warm summers, sunny weather brings great outdoor activities. While you can always buy prepackaged and ready-to-eat strawberries from your local supermarket, these warm, hand-picked strawberries taste so much better.
- It's a celebration of strawberries
Strawberries have much to offer in terms of taste, scent and nutritional value, which explain about its celebration for centuries.
How to celebrate Pick Strawberries Day
- Go strawberry picking
Take a day off and go strawberry picking. You can join your friends and family in this activity. Not only will it be fun, but it will also make you appreciate fruit and nature in general.
- Strawberry planting
Give your green thumb a chance by trying your hand at growing and caring for strawberry plants. Unfortunately, strawberries are one of those fruits that you will always find on the list of fruits with high pesticide concentrations. By growing your own, you'll have a lot more organic and healthier strawberries on hand.
- Try the strawberry recipe
Strawberries are loved all over the world. You will find several recipes that incorporate fruit. You can also use the fruit for skin care and scented candles. Is there anything strawberries can't do? We don't think so.
Pick Strawberries Day has been observed annually on May 20th.Dates
Saturday, May 20th, 2023
Monday, May 20th, 2024
Tuesday, May 20th, 2025
Wednesday, May 20th, 2026
Thursday, May 20th, 2027